Aug 16, 2017

Amulek of Amonihah.

Alma 10

So Amulek preaches to the people of a Amonihah and warns them of destruction.

He is the second witness and is bold.  Almost overbearing but how do you soften the blow of telling people they need to make great changes.  REPENT!

One thing I notice about His introduction is that:

1 Amulek gives his lineage/ genealogy going back to Joseph of Egypt.

2 Amulek tells of his friendships and success as a businessman in the community.  His good reputation.

3 Amulek explained what led him to join with Alma to return to the Church from complacency and inactivity to stand before them and testify/prophesy.   So he is saying I was like you and I have changed and you need to change also.

These three things which he speaks to the people are significant because these words introduce him and give him legitimacy and credibility.   However, because he proceeds to speak very boldly to and about the aristocracy he is not accepted and some rise to keep the people from listening or believe them.

This is like Christ contending with the aristocrats  of his time.   They also tried to trick him so they could condemn him.  They were also lawyers and both Christ and Amulek rebuked the lawyers and judges/leaders.

The fact that Alma came to his senses in his youth rebuked by an angel  and became ritcheous.  Amulek was passive and inactive in the Church but also saw an angel and got back to his one time ritcheous days.

I see the similarities between Alma and Amulek.   I also see why the people of Gideon accepted the same message but because of the leadership in Anmonihah being so corrupt the message was not recieved.

The people whom will not accept God's servants must be humbled by some other means.   War, famine, or natural disaster.

This applies to me as I can undergo a personal apostasy and force the Lord to humble me through perilous ways.