Sep 4, 2017

right in two •

Angels on the sideline,
Puzzled and amused.
Why did Father* give these humans free will?
Now they're all confused.

Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around?
Plenty in this holy garden, silly monkeys
Where there's one you're bound to divide it right in two.

Angels on the sideline,
Baffled and confused.
Father blessed them all with reason,
And this is what they choose?

Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground.
Silly monkeys.
Give them thumbs, they forge a blade,
And where there's one they're bound to divide it right in two.

Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground.
Silly monkeys.
Give them thumbs, they make a club to beat their brother down.
How they've survived so misguided is a mystery.
Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability
To lift an eye to heaven, conscious of his fleeting time here.

Gotta divide it all right in two.

Fight till they die over sun, over sky,
They fight till they die over sea, over air,
They fight till they die over blood, over love,
They fight till they die over words, polarizing.

Angels on the sideline again,
Benched along with patience and reason.
Angels on the sideline again,
Wondering where this tug of war will end.

Gotta divide it all right in two.

Aug 16, 2017

Amulek of Amonihah.

Alma 10

So Amulek preaches to the people of a Amonihah and warns them of destruction.

He is the second witness and is bold.  Almost overbearing but how do you soften the blow of telling people they need to make great changes.  REPENT!

One thing I notice about His introduction is that:

1 Amulek gives his lineage/ genealogy going back to Joseph of Egypt.

2 Amulek tells of his friendships and success as a businessman in the community.  His good reputation.

3 Amulek explained what led him to join with Alma to return to the Church from complacency and inactivity to stand before them and testify/prophesy.   So he is saying I was like you and I have changed and you need to change also.

These three things which he speaks to the people are significant because these words introduce him and give him legitimacy and credibility.   However, because he proceeds to speak very boldly to and about the aristocracy he is not accepted and some rise to keep the people from listening or believe them.

This is like Christ contending with the aristocrats  of his time.   They also tried to trick him so they could condemn him.  They were also lawyers and both Christ and Amulek rebuked the lawyers and judges/leaders.

The fact that Alma came to his senses in his youth rebuked by an angel  and became ritcheous.  Amulek was passive and inactive in the Church but also saw an angel and got back to his one time ritcheous days.

I see the similarities between Alma and Amulek.   I also see why the people of Gideon accepted the same message but because of the leadership in Anmonihah being so corrupt the message was not recieved.

The people whom will not accept God's servants must be humbled by some other means.   War, famine, or natural disaster.

This applies to me as I can undergo a personal apostasy and force the Lord to humble me through perilous ways.

Dec 22, 2015

Dec 13, 2015

Immitations of Gods true church.

Gadianton Robbers compared to modern secret combinations.
Also comparisons made to show GR and modern crime syndicates are organizations that imitate God's true church.

The street gangs, mafia, secret societies all have initiation rites of passage.  They have: 1) signs (graffiti and tattoos) 2) hand signals 3).  New names, Nicknames street names or aliases 4) oathes and punishments for breaking oaths.

The movie "Colors" has a pop culture view of the gang world.  I watched this movie when i was 17 years old.

From this movie i learned: gang members are initiated from 10 or 13 years old depending on the gang.

The initiation stereotypically involves several gang members beating the prospective member (prospect) at the same time. The initiate is expected to fight back and cannot show any fear or weakness.

Initiation rites vary from gang to gang.  Some involve commiting a crime in order to be accepted.

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints young girls and boys are accepted into the membership of the church at age 8 when they are Baptised and confirmed.  It can be latter but not earlier.  For the boys they go through a rite of passage when they recieve the priesthood at age twelve but not earlier.  They receive this from the laying on of hands, from another adult member who also holds the priesthood. 

Exodus 20 And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.

There are ordinances that I could compare here to the gang signs listed above but the temple is sacred and only those who participate in serving in the temple will fully understand the comparisons.
Temple ordinances are sacred which is different than secret.  I will explained those differences in another blog post.

Now as far as straight across comparisons the baptism to me is the official recognition by the Church that the person is 'in' the Church.  Ussually the person is 'In' for life. However the initiation is really both baptism (age 8) and entry to young wonanhood or young manhood (age 12)

LDS girls become young women at the age of twelve and accepted through a right of passage in a personal introduction and presentation called New Beginnings.

They start work in organizations learning and serving for the betterment of their ward family

This by comparison a person young or old is 'in' after their initiation.  Once they are in they are in for Life.  "Blood in Blood Out" they say.

Once a young gang member is in they begin to 'Earn' for the gang or family by selling drugs, watching for rivals or cops, or committing crimes for which they will only be charged as a minor..  This is true for boys and girls.  Corner kids.  Soldiers.

the Patriarca crime family lost honor and favor as a result of the sacred ceremony being taped under their watch.[12]
The initiation cerimony is considered by the organizations to be protected and to be kept private.  This is where the secret (not sacred) from secret combinations comes from.

Many times initiates are given basic rules about loyalty, secrecy and respect.  If codes of conduct are broken the member will be punished or sometimes killed. The Yakima a Japanese crime 'Family' has to cut off their own finger if they make a mistake or dishonor The code.

The member has to be willing to kill for the organization.  Sometimes killing someone must be done to become a member of the 'family".

Known initiation rites for ganges throughout the world and through the ages.  They are graphic and gross.  Not all are listed.

X Drinking Blood: Traditional Chinese Triad
X Baptism In Urine: Hell’s Angels
X ‘Blooding in’ happens when a new recruit draws the blood of another inmate
X jumped in’ or ‘beat in’ tradition of gang initiation, requiring the new recruit to survive a beating at the hands of full members for a set amount of time
X to prove their worthiness as part of the crew. Sometimes, this involves carrying out an assassination.
X funneling urine down your throat
X initiation in prison by certain gangs requires murdering rival gang members and even prison workers
X Latin Kings cannibalism of offending member of the crew and recruit is expected to participate in the kill of rival gang member Gangster Disciples
 sex work
X new members eating the heart of a child procured through their own network of organ-trafficking
x female recruit as part of a ‘sexed in’ ritual (Raped)

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints the Lord makes us promises and we covenant to do what is asked and people are rewarded for good deeds or rebuked for breaking oaths and covenants.

May 4, 2014

"Art is the signature of civilizations."

            Beverly Sills